Digital Humanist | Ethical AI with Valentina Rossi


as a digital humanist, i do believe artificial intelligence has an incredible chance to empower us as human beings, the society we live in, and more generally our world, however technological progress cannot ignore intellectual and ethical advancement. i embrace the paradigm of augmented intelligence, in which AI is not a replacement for our decision-making, creative, and more generally thinking faculties, but supports us in creating more efficient, democratic, and sustainable contexts.

my name is valentina and i was born and raised in the land of culture, oxymorons… and pizza. i have always nurtured a keen interest in artificial intelligence, interdisciplinary contamination and innovation. i am a dynamic thinker, i love learning and my curiosity always leads me to delve deeper into what i come across.

i have a technical background with a strong humanistic vocation: before moving into the world of data, programming and deep neural networks, i studied literature and linguistics. i believe that the depth of thought and critical eye that the humanities have given me is my greatest strength for reading a complex and fast-paced context such as technology.

my aim is to promote an ethical development, implementation and utilisation of artificial intelligence (specifically genAI) systems. 

digital humanist, digital humanities, digital humanism, Valentina Rossi, digital humanist Valentina, digital humanist Valentina Rossi, informatica umanistica, humanidades digitales


in the field of artificial intelligence and innovation, i believe in the future of a digital humanism, which is to say an augmented coexistence, both ethically aligned and respectful, with the technologies we so laboriously bring forth.

to achieve this, the intellectual progress and critical conceptualisation of these tools must advance alongside technological progress. otherwise, the risk is to become intellectually subservient and impoverish our decision-making faculties, our ethical rights and duties.

i reckon it’s worthwhile to delve into the intersection between humanity and machines through a lens of interdisciplinary cross-contamination, because it is only this way that growth and change occur. among the data, we must find the words, the theory, and the thought. <the limits of my language means the limits of my world>


digital humanist valentina rossi artificial intelligence

digital humanist valentina rossi artificial intelligence