Digital Humanist | Ethical AI with Valentina Rossi

fake alignment in LLMs

LLMs are fake aligned and here’s why it matters.


<architecture and functioning>

fake alignment in LLMs

large language models (LLMs), exemplified by innovations like generative pre-trained transformer (GPT), have fundamentally reshaped the landscape of natural language processing (NLP). these models excel in parsing extensive textual data, allowing them to ‘comprehend’ and generate human-like text based on the statistical patterns they discern within the language corpus.

the efficacy of LLMs arises from their complex neural network architectures, which include transformers, attention mechanisms, and word embeddings. together, these elements mimic the intricacy of human language processing <Vaswani, Shazeer, et al., 2017>

despite their impressive capabilities, LLMs are subject to the limitation of mismatched generalisation <Wei, Haghtalab, Steinhardt, 2024>. this refers to their tendency to fail in generalising their learning beyond the specific examples encountered during the training phase. essentially, they lack the ability to extrapolate concepts and understandings from one context to another <Bender & Koller, 2020>

<fake alignment>

fake alignment in LLMs

the consequences of mismatched generalisation are profound, particularly within the sphere of ethical AI development. without a robust understanding of concepts like safety, LLMs may provide responses that are not aligned with human values or ethical principles. instead, they rely on memorised patterns and surface-level associations, leading to potential ethical dilemmas and harmful outcomes. this discrepancy between the expected and actual behavior of LLMs has been termed fake alignment <Hendrycks, Burns, et al., 2020>

empirical studies into fake alignment have highlighted its prevalence, particularly when LLMs are challenged with safety-related questions. when tested with open-ended questions, LLMs have been shown to produce seemingly value-aligned responses when prompted with open-ended questions. however, their performance diverges notably under closed questioning, where the limitations of their ethical reasoning become apparent <Wang, Teng, et al., 2023>

jailbreak episodes, where LLMs generate harmful or inappropriate content, underscore the severity of the fake alignment issue. these episodes are often marked by the models’ inability to distinguish between suitable and unsuitable content, compounded by their vulnerability to adversarial inputs.

<future perspectives>

fake alignment in LLMs

addressing the challenges posed by mismatched generalisation and fake alignment requires interdisciplinary interventions and a multifaceted approach. ethical AI development necessitates collaboration across fields such as computer science, ethics, psychology, and sociology. by integrating insights from diverse disciplines, researchers can establish robust frameworks and methodologies for enhancing the ethical performance of LLMs <Crawford & Calo, 2016>

furthermore, fostering user awareness about the limitations and inherent biases of LLMs is crucial. educating users on the nuances of language generation and the potential limitations and biases in training data empowers them to critically assess model outputs and make informed decisions regarding their use. this awareness is a pivotal step towards ensuring that LLMs contribute ethically and responsibly in real-world applications.

looking ahead, future research in the field of NLP and AI ethics should prioritise the development of transparent and interpretable models. in this way, researchers can facilitate greater trust and accountability in their deployment. additionally, ongoing efforts to diversify training data and incorporate ethical considerations into model design are essential for promoting fairness, inclusivity, and social responsibility in AI systems <Gebru, Morgenstern, et al., 2021>

in conclusion, by advocating for interdisciplinary collaboration, enhancing user education, and advancing ethical methodologies in AI development, we can steer towards a future where LLMs truly align with human values and contribute positively to society.


Bender, E. M., & Koller, A. (2020, July). Climbing towards NLU: On meaning, form, and understanding in the age of data. In Proceedings of the 58th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (pp. 5185-5198).

Crawford, K., & Calo, R. (2016). There is a blind spot in AI research. Nature538(7625), 311-313.

Gebru, T., Morgenstern, J., Vecchione, B., Vaughan, J. W., Wallach, H., Iii, H. D., & Crawford, K. (2021). Datasheets for datasets. Communications of the ACM64(12), 86-92.

Hendrycks, D., Burns, C., Basart, S., Critch, A., Li, J., Song, D., & Steinhardt, J. (2020). Aligning ai with shared human values. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02275.

Vaswani, A., Shazeer, N., Parmar, N., Uszkoreit, J., Jones, L., Gomez, A. N., … & Polosukhin, I. (2017). Attention is all you need. Advances in neural information processing systems30.

Wang, Y., Teng, Y., Huang, K., Lyu, C., Zhang, S., Zhang, W., … & Wang, Y. (2023). Fake Alignment: Are LLMs Really Aligned Well?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.05915.

Wei, A., Haghtalab, N., & Steinhardt, J. (2024). Jailbroken: How does llm safety training fail?. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems36.

fake alignment in LLMs